It is the policy of Christ Church Kilmore to safeguard all children sharing in its ministry and to protect them from all forms of harm and abuse.
We believe that children should never experience abuse of any kind and everyone has a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and to keep them safe.
We are committed to implementing procedures and practices which safeguard all children.
Christ Church Kilmore adheres to: the Church of Ireland Code of Good Practice for Ministry with Children, which undertakes:
To create a safe environment which will promote healthy and fulfilling participation of children in spiritual, educational and recreational activities and minimise the possibility of harm, either deliberate or accidental.
To encourage safe practices for those who work with children.
To set out the appropriate responses and procedures in the event of accident or abuse taking place.
To safeguard those who work with children from the consequences of unfounded accusations.
Christ Church Kilmore recognises that:
The welfare of the child is paramount;
That all children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have the right to equal protection from all forms of harm or abuse;
Some children are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues;
That working in partnership with children, their parents/guardians and other agencies is essential for promoting the welfare of children.
The Church of Ireland Child Safeguarding Policy (NI) may be downloaded here.
Safeguarding Adults
It is the policy of Christ Church Kilmore to safeguard all adults sharing in its ministry and to protect them from all forms of harm and abuse.
Christ Church Kilmore adheres to the Church of Ireland Adult Safeguarding Code of Good Practice.
This applies to all bishops, clergy, staff and volunteers, but especially those who have regular contact with adults who may be more at risk of harm or abuse because of their personal or life circumstances.
The Church of Ireland Adult Safeguarding Policy (NI) may be downloaded here.
Safe Guarding Trust Parish Panel
Should anyone have a concern about the welfare of anyone – child or adult – please contact a member of the SGT Panel:
Revd Dr Claire Aylward: 07916 179709
Mrs Leanne Fitzsimmons: 07773 332217
Mr Michael Donaldson: 07803 367970
You are also free to contact any one of the following statutory agencies: PSNI, NSPCC or the Local Health Trust Child Protection/Gateway Team.