Even though there are no longer any formal restrictions, we will continue to exercise caution and consideration at all our services. Communion will continue to be served in the pew; face masks are optional. For your convenience a retiring offering plate is provided, but we would encourage all regular attenders to channel their giving through online banking facilities. It is just so much easier! Thank you!
1st June 2022
One year on from lockdown we still find ourselves in an ongoing pandemic. Although, the situation is improving after the third lockdown over winter.
We resume to in-person services on Sunday 4th April 2021 and our below COVID-19 policy still applies; observing a one-way system, masks, hand hygiene and social distancing.
26th March 2021
After four months, we returned to church premises on Sunday 26th July at Kilmore and 2nd August at Inch and are now alternating our Sunday services between the two churches at 11am until further notice. Please check the website homepage for the upcoming services.

The reasoning behind our current format is that the official guidelines indicate that a deep clean of the premises is not required if there is a gap of at least 72 hours between events. Having two churches allows us to alternate safe spaces and it provides us with a safe venue option for Weddings, Baptisms, and Funerals at other times during the week.
For the sake of standardisation: the time of all Sunday morning services will be 11:00am.
It is our intention to maintain an online presence with recorded Sunday services which will also be available via our telephone ministry. We encourage you to worship with us online at the same time as cooperate worship.
The safety of congregants and our ministry teams at Kilmore and Inch remain our paramount concern. We must continue to be vigilant and safe.
The current guidelines state:
- That anyone showing symptoms of Covid-19 must self-isolate with all the other members of their household.
- Anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 must self-isolate even if they are asymptomatic.
- Anyone who has been advised to self-isolate via the contacting service must do so even if they are asymptomatic.
- Anyone who has been notified and advised to shield must self-isolate.
- Anyone who is in a risk category must be extremely cautious about social interactions.
Guidelines for Sunday Services
Face masks are now mandatory at all church services as of 16th August until future notice.

Those aged under 13 years or have a medical exemption are not required to wear a face covering.
Those leading services and worship are not required to wear a face-covering providing they continue to remain at a distance from others. For more information visit the NI Government website.
Social distancing remains 2 metres. This sets a cap on total service attendance – in terms of our Risk Assessment, this has been set at 50 for both churches. Please note, we are not allowed to use the balcony at Inch.
An attendance register for tracing purposes will be kept for all services.
We will also take a Photograph, which will serve as a record as to where people sat for contact tracing purposes. These photographs will be kept for three weeks and then destroyed. They will not be used for any other purpose.
There will be a welcome team to greet and usher. The welcome team will be wearing face shields for your protection. Please follow all instructions and directions given and please try to avoid bottlenecks at entrances and exits. Move away from these as quickly as possible and stand at a safe distance from the church.
There will be no physical contact, hand shaking, hugging, kissing etc.
There will be signs to remind you of social distancing and hand hygiene.
There will be hand sanitisers provided at the doors for your use.
A “one-way system” will be in operation and you must wait to be shown to your allocated seat by an usher.
People of the same household may sit together.
There will be a separate entrance and exit – entrance will be via the front door and exit via the back vestry door of our two churches.
At the end of the service you will be ushered pew by pew to the exit.
No bibles, hymn books or prayer books will be used. You are however welcome to bring your own or use a Bible app on your smartphone.
There will be no congregational or choir singing.
Toilet(s) facilities will be available, and the key is with the welcome team. Cleaning materials are provided, but users must sanitise and wipe down all surfaces before and after use.
Guidelines for other services
In addition to the about
Communion – there will be communion in one kind only until at least November and you will be served in your seat.
Weddings – Attendance is limited to social distancing guidelines: Kilmore 50 and Inch 50. These figures include absolutely everyone: Bridal Party, family, friends, officiants, photographers, musicians etc. Social distancing and hygiene guidelines must be strictly adhered to.
Funerals – Attendance is limited to social distancing guidelines: Kilmore 50 and Inch 50. These figures include absolutely everyone: family, friends, officiants, musicians etc. Social distancing and hygiene guidelines must be strictly adhered to. Numbers are also currently restricted at the graveside to a maximum of 30 people.
Baptisms – Attendance is limited to social distancing guidelines: Kilmore 50 and Inch 50. These figures include absolutely everyone: family, friends, officiants, photographers, musicians etc. Social distancing and hygiene guidelines must be strictly adhered to.
Mid-week Communion – to be reviewed in/for September.
Sunday School – it is hoped that Sunday School will meet fortnightly, as from the beginning of September. All cleaning, social distancing and hygiene guidelines apply for Sunday School and all other hall users.
Thank you
Thank you for your patience in reading these guidelines. They are absolutely necessary for the health and wellbeing of everyone and your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. They are also subject to change. We are however just so grateful to be able to return to some kind of normal church life.
Be blessed and stay safe
Rev Stephen Smyth
Rector Kilmore and Inch
(updated on 8th September)