Annual Vestry Meeting

The Annual Vestry Meetings of our own two churches will take place after the morning service on the following two Sundays: Inch Parish Church – Sunday 11th October at 12:15pm Christ Church Kilmore – Sunday 18th October at 12:15pm All Covid-19 risk control measures will apply (hand sanitisation, face coverings Read more…

Masks now compulsory

Update on masks: 2/9/20Just a quick update in advance of our Morning Worship Service in Inch Parish Church at 11:00am this Sunday (16 August). Until further notice, it will be mandatory to wear face coverings at all church services. Those aged under 13 years or have a medical exemption are Read more…

Back to church

Planning is well advanced for our return to church on Sunday 26 July at Kilmore and 2 August at Inch and that we alternate churches thereafter for the rest of the summer. The reasoning behind this is that the official guidelines indicate that a deep clean of the premises is not Read more…

Our new website!

Welcome to our new website! We are pleased to be able to have this new resource available to better reach and serve the parish during the lockdown. It is a work in progress, so we’d value feedback and even welcome contribution of page content. Happy browsing!