Annual Vestry Meeting

The Annual Vestry Meetings of our own two churches will take place after the morning service on the following two Sundays: Inch Parish Church – Sunday 11th October at 12:15pm Christ Church Kilmore – Sunday 18th October at 12:15pm All Covid-19 risk control measures will apply (hand sanitisation, face coverings Read more…

Masks now compulsory

Update on masks: 2/9/20Just a quick update in advance of our Morning Worship Service in Inch Parish Church at 11:00am this Sunday (16 August). Until further notice, it will be mandatory to wear face coverings at all church services. Those aged under 13 years or have a medical exemption are Read more…

Back to church

Planning is well advanced for our return to church on Sunday 26 July at Kilmore and 2 August at Inch and that we alternate churches thereafter for the rest of the summer. The reasoning behind this is that the official guidelines indicate that a deep clean of the premises is not Read more…